NEM is the madman at the head of the Kün Rix terrorist organization. With a thousand stolen nukes on his side, no one stands in his way.
MICHAEL HINSON is on planet Tempo for business and he is NOT having fun. But his trip is about to get a whole lot worse.
MR. B is an unstoppable force. He does the dirty work of the Kün Rix. If you cross him, you're already dead.
YON does just enough work to get by. Why is it up to him to save the world?
ROZ is the head of the Temponian Federal Tactical Tech division. She's had a crush on Yon for years but he doesn't have a clue.
GHOUL is an online entity aiding the Kün Rix. Other than being a highly skilled hacker, nothing else is known about this person.
Where is the old Global Defense Corps?
The plan was always to redo the earlier chapters in color when I felt I was ready as an artist. At the same time, I addressed some nagging issues with the comic that always bothered me. Yon's character design didn't match his personality as well as I thought it could, so I redid his design. I felt Roz wasn't a very likeable character so I made some changes there, male to female, cat to catgirl, some personality changes and some unrequited love. Also an element that was missing was the element of the outsider, which helps orient the reader to this alien world. So I created Michael Hinson, the human. I rewrote a lot of the beginning, made some other minor changes, added some humor, color and now motion! I've branded my long-awaited reboot as Global Defense Corps: Account of an Alien Apocalypse. The basic events play out the same (or do they?) so enjoy the ride as you experience the new Global Defense Corps! And as always, thank you for reading.